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Superchips公司位于英国的白金汉郡,公司创始人Peter Wales早在1977年便成立了一家名为P.J. Detection Techniques的公司,开始为当时仍然堪称先进的使用ECU进行电子发动机管理系统的车型提供ECU重新调校的业务。1989年把公司更名为Superchips,并于1992年在美国成立Superchips公司,1999年在欧盟注册Superchips商标。

它是世界上第一家专门通过改装汽车电脑芯片中软件程序来提升汽车性能的公司,也是最早为F1、WRC、CART等汽车赛事提供技术支持的公司,同时还是最早将专业赛车计算机改装用于民用汽车的公司。Superchips公司在世界上的ECU软件系统改装品牌中位居第一名,早在2003 就开发出了适合车友DIY的动力改装设备Bluefin,Superchips在改装界里就如同IBM在计算机行业中一样代表着权威和领先。

引领行业发展40年,Superchips在ECU改装行业中代表着权威和领先,率先将专业赛车ECU改装技术用于民用。 Superchips与博士,西门子,联合电子,德尔福,马瑞利等世界电控标定企业合作,为大众奥迪TSI引擎开发MED17加密电控底盘测功系统和发动机系统,精准应对AUDI、VAG、SKODA、SEAT、PORSCHE、BMW车辆进行优化调校。到目前为止,Cosworth(考斯沃斯)等公司仍在使用Superchips在这一领域的专业技术。在大众汽车动力系统和发动机管理系统上的精湛技艺,使我们成为英国大众杯赛车的指定调校合作伙伴,直到现在,我们为每款大众奥迪汽车的调校,满足的不仅仅是动力提升,驾驶乐趣的提升,更是一种品味,为用户提供世界超级芯片优化后的驾驶乐趣。Superchips所有的改装程序都是由资深机械工程师、电子工程师、软件工程师共同经过反复测试及精确计算后编写出来的,Superchips赞助英国顶级赛车手Tim Harvey,Matt Neal和Tim Mullen,以及包括大众赛车杯和苏格兰MINI Cooper挑战赛的高调系列赛,在全世界范围内经过Superchips改装后的汽车赢得了无数汽车比赛的冠军。

改装圈里的大咖们对Superchips绝对不会陌生,在ECU升级方面,Superchips绝对是这片领域中的大哥级人物,与众多软硬件改装品牌均有合作,如Cosworth, ABT等。我们做为Superchips国际一级经销商自2008年以来一直为广大客户提供高品质,稳定可靠的调校程序服务。

Superchips’ beginnings can be traced back to 1977, when Peter Wales, an electronics engineer who ran a metal detector company called Detection Techniques, discovered that the ECU of a Mitsubishi Starion Group A race car could be modified for fast road use.Wales reprogrammed (remapped) the ECU’s chip to deliver more power and torque, which led to a number of Group N championship wins for the Mitsubishi in the mid 1980s. Using the knowledge gained from this, Wales went on to develop a range of remapped ECU chip upgrades for various turbocharged cars.The first remapped ECU chips were sold through Detection Techniques from 1983 to 1986. By then the business was concentrating solely on vehicle ECU upgrades and in 1989, the company name was changed to Superchips.During this period Superchips started ECU remapping development work on normally aspirated as well as turbocharged engines and began remapping a rapidly growing range of turbo diesel cars.In 1992,Superchips Inc. was established in the USA to provide conversions for all major makes of car and to undertake motorsport activity for the brand in North America.1993 saw Superchips first major volume consultancy work being awarded by a Major European vehicle manufacturer, marking a breakthrough in the company’s status with the recognition of its mapping abilities. This continues to date with companies such as Cosworth using Superchips expertise in this field.The first of Superchips ongoing emergency vehicle specialist ECU remapping work commenced in 1994 on a fleet of ambulances. This work continues to date with Superchips knowledge being used to develop specific conversions for the UK Police.Predating the widespread use of the internet, in 1994 Superchips established a ‘Modem Dealer’ network, allowing the global transfer of EPROM maps to its growing sales agent base.1995 saw Superchips pioneer the first Serial Port System OBD remap.Reflecting its growing export presence, in 1999 the Superchips name was registered as a trademark across the European Union.Having been involved with remapping the ECUs on Volkswagen cars since the early 1990’s, the year 2000 saw VW UK Racing appoint Superchips as its official Tuning Partner.Superchips invested in a highly accurate four wheel drive rolling road at its Buckingham head office in 2001, highlighting the firm’s commitment to ongoing capital investment.2003 saw Superchips launch Bluefin, its market leading product, which allowed a Superchips remap to be installed and uninstalled by customer, without even leaving the driver’s seat.In 2006 Superchips registered the Bluefin brand and the design acquired European registered trademark status.From 2006 to date, Superchips motorsport sponsorship gathered momentum, clearing defining Superchips as the leading ECU tuning brand, with drivers and series happy to be associated with Superchips as a championship or individual sponsor. Superchips sponsorship includes top British drivers Tim Harvey, Matt Neal and Tim Mullen, as well as high profile series including the Volkswagen Racing Cup and Scottish MINI Cooper challenge.Superchips is unique in this sector as it combines a distinguished history, yet continues to lead by example after 40 years, offering market leading products backed by a commitment to quality that make it the clear number one in the industry.


公司拥有国内著名汽车专家,汽车工程师作为技术后盾,有着十多年的汽车维修及服务经验,轪通(DITUNING)不仅提供给您优质的汽车动力系统优化方案,同时也会为您的爱车进行免费的故障诊断服务。从事汽车动力系统性能优化近7年的沉淀经历是我们宝贵的财富。公司拥有全球先进的汽车调校设备,并获得了全球著名汽车动力改装鼻祖——英国SUPERCHIPS公司(近30余年改装历史)的授权,是该品牌全球一级代理商,中国总代理。为了满足不同客户需求,公司还分别与德国SKN、意大利FLASHTEC、意大利PIASINIENGINEERING、德国BYTESHOOTER、意大利ALIENTECH 、意大利DIMSPORT、荷兰RICA等国际改装品牌合作,可以覆盖欧美日的绝大部分车型,发动机动力提升幅度可达10%——30%。提升车辆性能,降低油耗!我们承诺:每辆车的性能优化都是经过国际品牌精心调校;我们杜绝假冒伪劣,杜绝挂羊头卖狗肉。我们倡导文明驾驶,安全出行,杜绝飙车,危险驾驶!     公司常年提供奔驰、宝马、奥迪、大众,保时捷等品牌汽车发动机ECU控制单元零配件供应,支持新旧模块的移植和编程。为维修企业和广大车友提供更便捷高效的服务,无需再为配件的订货周期长,配件的在线匹配限制,高昂的费用而发愁。遇到此类问题,请交给轪通(DITUNING),我们将为您提供全方位的服务支持。


